Test the Solution

Checking OpenSearch Service for Data

In this segment, we’ll utilize the OpenSearch Service domain to search for the ingested data.

  1. Retrieve the OpenSearch Service domain URL you saved earlier.For example: https://search-water-temp-5sgqhr6nez5dilp6icwb5n4zhu.ap-southeast-1.es.amazonaws.com

  2. Open a new browser tab and input the URL, appending /lambda-s3-index/_search?pretty. OpenSearch Service Search

  3. (Optional) Execute more tests in the API Gateway. For Example:

      "sensorID" : "0028",
      "temperature" : "02"
  4. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and access your bucket. You should spot several .json files. Download one to inspect its content. Amazon S3 Bucket Content


You’ve successfully tested the solution, ingesting data into OpenSearch Service and verifying its existence in the Amazon S3 bucket.